
Safvan CK

Explore Otherworldly Wonders at Cosmic Crypt! Give 'shake hand' to Enter


I'm a coding enthusiast!

Currently doing my post graduation MCA at Cochin University(CUSAT Main Campus, Kochi). I am from Malappuram and I did my graduation at Calicut University. This is my personal website, and I warmly welcome you... Thank you for your time!

 About Me 

#Safvan  #CK   #Developer  #Student  #Freelancer  #C_Sharp   #Android    #iOS    #.net    #asp.net    #Web_API    #MS_SQL    #Cusat_MCA   #CalicutUniversity_BCA   #SEO   #Hadoop  #Entrepreneur    #Encryption_Algorithms    #innpasco_InnovativePathToSuccess_IT_FEST_GEMS_Coordinator #WindowsPhoneDeveloper   #self_employed   #debugging_Firstprize #GoogleDeveloper   #ioT   #about_1,00,000_Downloads_WindowsPhoneStore_App    #National_Programming_Aptitude_Test: Rank_81   #87KeysWith_a_PointingDevice   #UL_CyberPark_Internship   #UST_Global_Internship   #GooglePlayStore   #CODING   #ideaMan_nickName   #Challenge&Hack   #Relationship   #Leadership   #SmartIndia_Hackathon   #Oikea_Payroll   #Xerox_firstDesktopGame #Disnifo_AnotherProduct   #BlackTie_TheProduct   #CERO_Authentication_CryptoProduct   #trueDonor_PassionateProduct   #www.softmall.tk_childhoodHobby   #LANETOR_LocalAreaNetworkTorProject   #HP_Certification   #National_Conference_on_Indian_Language_Computing   #amConfidentAboutSomethingThatIhave   #MicrosoftCerttifiedProfessional_Certification_Training   #NetworkProgramming   #Active_attacking  #vb.net   #Java   #php   #html   #JavaScript   #MySql _   #NodeJS   #ionic   #GoLanguage   #CSS   #TypeScript

Safvan CK

Safvan CK -
Welcome to my personal website! I'm an Indian software developer, and you can go through the personal website to read more about me.

Safvan CK

Explore Otherworldly Wonders at Cosmic Crypt! Give 'shake hand' to Enter ➤                                                      ...